SAP – Students Adoption Programme is conducted in our Vidhya Sagar Women’s College…
Our Vidhya Sagar Women’s College of Education students and Teaching Faculties went to…
Children’s Day was celebrated on 14th November 2019. This function was celebrated to…
National Education Day was celebrated on 11.11.2019 afternoon. This day was celebrated on…
SAP – Students Adoption Programme is conducted in our Vidhya Sagar Women’s College…
Our Vidhya Sagar Women’s College of Education students and Teaching Faculties went to…
Children’s Day was celebrated on 14th November 2019. This function was celebrated to…
National Education Day was celebrated on 11.11.2019 afternoon. This day was celebrated on…
SAP – Students Adoption Programme is conducted in our Vidhya Sagar Women’s College of Education periodically. This programme is conducted in our college with the aim of providing a college preparatory, faith based education to students which prevent them from so many obstacles that affect their education. As an introductory session a meeting was conducted […]
ReadMoreOur Vidhya Sagar Women’s College of Education students and Teaching Faculties went to Innovative school visit Chengalpattu. Our B.Ed students donated Rice, Pulses, Biscuits, Soap etc for the students in the orphanage annexed in the school building. Our B.Ed student teachers interacted with the Mentally chanllenged children of that orphanage. The main objective of this […]